Employer Group Registration

We make signing up for health benefits fast and easy for you. Here are the steps you will need to complete:

To get you done as quickly as possible we only ask you the most important questions. When you have answered them all you will be able to move on.


  • 1 Enter Your Info
  • 2 Agreements
  • 3 Timeline
  • 4 Dashboard Access

Just a Few Questions

There are only a few questions and you’ll be all set in a minute. When everything is good to go this button will turn green and be ready to click.

What Do You Call Your Business?

Every business has a name and we need to know it.

Do you have a DBA Name? We need that too. If it's the same as your business name then just type that in.

Who Are You?

Really! We need to know your name. It's kind of important.

Email Address

This is how we will correspond with you and send you updates.

Phone Number

We will only use this if something gets stuck and we need to reach out to you.

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Where Are You Located?

Your address is everything when it comes to insurance. So we have to make sure it is correct. Start typing your full address with the street number and pick your address from the list.

Employer Identification Number

Yes, we need this too. It's really quite important.

What Kind of Business Are You?

What industry do you provide your services to?

Do You Currently Offer Medical Coverage?

Are you looking to replace or broaden your employee's coverage?

What Month Would You Like to Start?

This is when you want your effective date to be. If there is not enough days for processing to occur, effective date will be pushed to the following month.

Who Is In Your Group?

If you are signing up for a group that is a mix of 1099 and W-2 then you should create separate groups for each type.

Will The Members Of This Group Be W-2 Employees?


Will The Members Of This Group Be 1099 Contractors?


How many of your members will be part of this plan?

What is your phone number?

Member Plan Set-Up Fee

There is a $35 fee that is applied to every member that signs up. Do you want the group to pay for this? It is a one-time fee. If you choose No, then the cost will be applied to the member in the first month. If you choose Yes, it will appear on your invoice. Any discounts based on member count will appear on the invoice.


Member Annual Membership Fee

There is a $35 annual membership fee that is applied to every member that signs up. Do you want the group to pay for this? It is a one-time fee. If you choose No, then the cost will be applied to the member in the first month. If you choose Yes, it will appear on your invoice. Any discounts based on member count will appear on the invoice.


If the members of this group will be 1099 then you should not add a contribution.

How much do you plan to contribute to your members for the plans they choose? You can pick EITHER a dollar figure OR a percentage.





If the members of this group will be 1099 then you should not add a contribution.

How much do you plan to contribute to your members for the plans they choose? You can pick EITHER a dollar figure OR a percentage.

